Ironically, if you compare the various price comparison sites you'll find they're pretty much identical. All they have to distinguish them is their branding. So what do you do when your brand mascot is one of the most despised of all time?

With each new TV ad, Gio's ideas became even more ridiculous.

Online, a short mockumentary gave a glimpse into the the partnership that spawned Gio's short-lived new musical direction. It wasn't a pretty sight:

We wanted to give the public the chance to suggest their own gimmicks for Gio, the idea being that they’d submit ideas on social media and we’d collate them on our own site and reward our favourite ideas with props from the shoot. Sadly, the client wasn’t up for it, but the site would have looked something like this:

Nevertheless, the TV campaign did extraordinarily well, as this case study video lays out: